Title: Citizen’s Peace Stamp Poster
Design: Masuteru Aoba

I have created a poster for the Hiroshima Appeals poster campaign in conjunction with the citizens of Hiroshima. The participants were asked to press “Peace” stamps as representatives of the City of Hiroshima, Japan and the world. They were asked to press “Peace” stamps on behalf of all people who love peace. This poster was produced from the stamps for Peace of all these people. The Mayor of Hiroshima, the director of the Citizens Affairs Bureau, municipal employees, representatives of the press, the Medical Association, Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, local students, members of the local branch of the Japan Graphic Designers Association (JAGDA), designers of recent Hiroshima Appeals posters, the JAGDA secretariat, Toppan Printing Company technicians, friends, acquaintances, family members and by sixyear- old and two-and-a-half-year-old grandchildren of mine all participated. Thank you! I ask all of you to write “Peace” at the end of the journal entries, e-mail and letters you write from day to day as a substitute for the Peace stamps. “Take care. Be seeing you. Peace!” or “Today was a great day. Peace!” Let’s say the word everyday, over and over again, like a mantra: Peace! Let each and every one of us cultivate peace in our hearts. Peace is something we keep safe in our hearts and minds. It is something that is diffused by our hearts and minds. It is not something that can be defended or spread by military might. Both peace and war thrive in hearts and minds. Each and every one of us must strive to cultivate peace in our hearts and minds.