Title: LIFE
Design: Yoshie Watanabe

Being able to enjoy peace in our everyday lives is something special. As I write these words, the world is fighting against a virus, a crisis that has also prompted countries to engage in information and economic wars. To me, it appears as if the world is becoming increasingly complicated and more and more greed is rising to the surface. This fills me with great sadness. No matter how much I wish it were so, I do not think the world will be at peace anytime soon.

If that is the case, as a starting point, Japan must do all that it can, and we must each do all that we can, to protect this country and our lives. That is all we can do. When I was asked to create this poster, my aim was to portray “life.” This little girl represents my mother when she was a little girl, me when I was a little girl, all the little girls in Japan, and all the little girls around the world. I hope that this “life” will shine bright.